Koinonia | Sharing

Fun, food, and fellowship. Explore all the ways to share with each other at Trinity!

Jr Lutherans

PreK through 6th grade youth will be introduced to core bible stories, learn prayers, and form connections to other youth in a spiritual setting through various events, programs, and Sunday school classes.


7th and 8th grade youth will dive deep into the foundations of the Lutheran faith with Sunday meetings, Wednesday night classes, special events, and programs. During this time, youth will have opportunities to learn, serve, and form connections to others in the congregation. At the end of each confirmand’s journey is the Affirmation of Baptism on Pentecost Sunday.


9th through 12th grade almost-adults will explore their faith in the world through Sunday fellowship hour, Wednesday night bible study, various programs, overnight trips, and service opportunities. Youth will form a strong circle of peers and mentors to support them as they prepare to transition to adulthood.


Faith is a life-long journey. Trinity has a wide range of bible studies, committees, and meeting groups to help you connect and explore your faith through every stage in life.


Whether you are 1 or 100, Trinity invites everyone to connect with your family and others with events for all ages.

Check out what’s happening in youth and family ministries!