Worship at Trinity or Online

We will come to together at ONE service on May 19th at 10:30 am to celebrate Pentecost and our confirmands.

Our Summer Worship schedule begins the weekend of May 25th & 26th with a 5:30pm service on Saturday and 10:30am service on Sunday.

Sundays – 8:30am & 11:00am

At the Liturgical Traditional Worship service, you’ll hear Bible readings and teaching grounded in Lutheran theology. You'll hear music on the organ, piano, and strings, singing from the hymnal, prayers, and spoken liturgy.

Saturdays – 5:30 pm

Our Saturday Night Traditional Worship service offers a shorter, more casual worship setting where you'll hear Bible readings, teaching, prayer, and familiar hymns led from the piano.

We go live every Sunday at 11:00am.

For this and other services, visit our YouTube channel.