About Triniteens


Triniteens is our ministry for High School-aged youth. With Pastor Jason and Youth Director LJ, we embody the characteristics of our Triune God: unity with diversity. This is a unique gathering for young people to connect and feel safe and at home in playful settings, so they can grow faithfully as God continues to create in them strong bodies, inquisitive minds, and healthy spirits.

Three ways to connect

Fellowship Hour: We will meet from 9:45am-10:45am every Sunday starting September 18th to chat about what’s on our minds that week and to get to know each other a bit better! Breakfast and coffee will be served once a month.

Bible & Study: POSTPOSED UNTIL DECEMBER 2022. Come hang out Wednesday nights at 6:30p to knock out some homework and chat about the Bible!

Triniteens Meetings: Special events, synod hangouts, and road trips are just a few things we’ll do as a youth group! Meetings will be on the third Sunday of the month at 6pm starting September 18th.

Upcoming events

  • Escape Room

    10/16 Time TBD

    The October Triniteens meeting will be going to an escape room together!

  • Synod Lock-in

    11/11 10:00p - 5:00a

    Bring a friends to hang out all night at the Enchanted Castle with other churches from the Chicago area

  • Winter Retreat


    Join us as we head up to Lutherdale in Elkhorn, WI for a weekend of fun & fellowship with the Metro Chicago Synod

Register now for the 2022-23 school year!